Would you like to learn how to save your wedding photo? This list of 10 things ensures some little detail does not spoil an otherwise perfect wedding photo!
Save your wedding photo!
If you’re getting married on a Hawaiian beach, make sure your wedding photos come out just perfect by following these top 10 tips:
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #1: Be Aware of Highly Visible or Misplaced Bras
Many bridal gowns are strapless. Some show the shoulder and fall down yet the bra often stays up visibly in place higher.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #2: Watch Out for Hair in the Wrong Place
Wedding photos on Kauai usually take place on the beach. It can be windy! Choose a wedding hairstyle that will both look good and stay in place easily.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #3: Look Out for Side Boobs
May sound funny, but side boobs are something to be aware of for women wearing certain dresses. It of course depends on the dress and whether your arms are up or down.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #4: Beware of Smeared Mascara
Since Kauai is a tropical location, watch out for smeared mascara or makeup, whether from crying or from the heat on those beautiful Hawaiian beaches.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #5: Watch Out for Lipstick which has Worn Off or is Smudged
This one is very common. Lipstick can come off, or can get smudged above and below the lips so that looks like a clown (especially after the first kiss!). There is a simple way to fix this: just bring more of it. Have someone in your wedding party grab your lipstick and mirror for you, so you can quickly re-apply it. Usually there is a lull after the ceremony during the signing of the marriage license documents – this is a good chance to do it.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #6: Be Aware of the Inner Part of the Wedding Gown Folding Out
Wedding gowns often have multiple layers – be sure to keep the inner ones tucked away and hidden under the outer ones.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #7: Look Out for Zipper or Buttons Pulling Apart
Watch out for undone zippers or buttons getting loose and falling off.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #8: Watch Out for Flower Hairpieces Falling Out or Turning Brown
Normally flowers are picked that day, if you have ordered wedding flowers on Kauai for your ceremony. It’s unlikely they would turn brown, but if you leave them out of the fridge in a hot car for a few hours they might. Also, ensure the flowers are clipped on tightly for the photo shoot.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #9: Look Out for Leis or Necklaces Falling Off Center
Leis are made with a ribbon on one part of the circle. This normally sits at the nape or back of the neck when the lie is worn. Look out for leis that start falling off center. The same goes for necklaces.
Save Your Wedding Photo Tip #10: Be Aware of Beads of Sweat on your Forehead
Lastly, remember that Kauai is a warm climate, and you may sweat under the hot sun during a wedding photo shoot. It’s much easier and better to fix this at the time of taking photos than trying to photoshop it out later. Have a tissue handy, take some pictures in the shade or rest for a minute.
Remember, it only takes one little thing to ruin an otherwise marvelous wedding photo. Pay attention to these 10 tips and read more here. Good luck creating some superb wedding photos to treasure forever!