by Joel McDonald | Jan 31, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography
Kauai wedding photography time – how much do you need?
Do not assume that the package you picked out has the appropriate amount of photo time for your needs. Many people come to Kauai and get married with no guests. Some packages do not always allow enough time for the number of guests you have. The amount of time you’ll need for your wedding photos depends mostly on 4 things:
- How many guests are in the photo shoot?
- Are there any young kids in the photo shoot?
- How many types of photos do you want from the photo shoot?
- Do you have a videographer?
So how much Kauai wedding photography time do you need? Here are the bare bones: the ceremony normally takes around 15 minutes (unless you have a lot of extras or your own minister). That means you need about 25+ minutes of your photo time to go towards the ceremony, congratulations and signing of the official documents. Then, each couple will need a good 30 minutes alone with their photographer to really capture their love and the best shots of the day. That only leaves about 5 minutes extra if you are considering having your photos done in an hour. If you have no guests, kids or videographer, this is enough time; but if so, you’ll need more time – read below.
1. How many guests are in the photo shoot?
Obviously, the more people you have at your wedding, the more photography time you need. If there are less than 4-5 people, and it’s a simple straightforward photo shoot with no multiple purposes for the photos nor clothing changes, then 75 minutes is often enough. If there are 5 or more people, we highly recommend considering the 90+ minute option.
A good rule of thumb is to count on it taking 3 minutes per pose, assuming there are no kids.
Here’s an example of how long the “bare bones/no fluff” photos take with only 2 guests and no kids: let’s say you are a small group of 4 people total (bride and groom plus 1 couple), and you don’t think you need much of any photos with your guests. Then let’s say you want at least 2 poses of the whole group. This would mean 2 poses x 3 minutes, which equals 6 minutes. Then let’s say you want a photo with each of your 2 guests with the bride/groom, that would mean 2 poses x 3 minutes, or an additional 6 minutes. That would still be a total of 12 minutes of photos.
You can imagine if you have more than 2 guests, that the combinations of what photos you want would add up fairly quickly. We recommend making a list of what photos you might want, multiplying that list by 3, and you’ll have a good estimate of how many minutes you’ll need for guest photos.
General estimates if you don’t want to do the math:
- No guests 60 min photo time
- 2-5 guests 75 min photo time
- 6-10 guests 90 min photo time
- 10+ guests more than 90 min photo time
2. Are there any young kids in the photo shoot?
Obviously, the younger the kids are, or the more kids there are, the more time you need. Kids do not do well being rushed! Kids will likely become cranky if they feel they have to perform under pressure – we know from personal experience! (That is, unless you are lucky enough to have a photo loving little girl who just loves to smile for the camera every time!)
3. How many types of photos do you want from the photo shoot?
People often say they only need a few photos, and that’s totally fine. However, before you throw away a chance to get a lot of bang for just a little extra buck, consider this: the most expensive part of hiring a professional photographer is the first 30 minutes. After that it’s fairly inexpensive to add on more time. Since most people do not have professional photo shoots very often, we recommend doing everything you can in a few minutes at the end if there is time. The most important aim of the photo shoot is normally to get some GREAT couple shots and a couple of good group shots too if there are guests. However, once that is achieved, in the same photo shoot for little or no additional cost Timory would also like to help you get Individual Shots, Couple Shots and the same group/individual/couple shots with a Different Background nearby (often just a few feet away facing a different direction) with no lei on so the photos have a unique feel to them.
4. Do you have a videographer?
If you have a videographer, you will simply need an additional 15-30 minutes of still photography time. The reason is simple: if you have 2 people trying to take the same shot of you and your love, you need to do most of the same things twice, once looking at the still camera, then again looking at the video camera. The little bit of extra time is WELL worth the priceless value of having a video to cherish and watch together each year on your anniversary!
by Joel McDonald | Jan 30, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography in Hawaii

In this Kauai sunset wedding, which produced magical tones of blue and pink, the sun went down 180° opposite to the background you see in this photo.
A Kauai sunset wedding
is the dream of many brides who come to visit us here on Kauai, Hawaii. If you choose a sunset wedding as many couples do, you still need make another decision about your wedding photography: having photos with the sun directly behind you, or facing you from another direction.
Kauai Sunset Wedding Options: Sky Full of Color vs. Sun Going Down Behind You
On Kauai there are times of the year where the sun sets into the water in areas besides the west side, such as the north or south shore. For information about these unique to Kauai sunset times try asking your hotel or give us a ring. In general, we find that most people do not end up liking the west side as a wedding destination due to the lower beach quality, the beaches not being close to where people tend to stay, nor having good places to eat afterwards … so we do not recommend the west side for most couples.
There are times of the year that Shipwrecks Beach in Poipu has a sunset that reaches not quite to the water, but almost into it … certainly close enough for a great shot in front of the setting sun. Shipwrecks Beach however generally has too may people in our opinion to make it an ideal place to get married. Depending on where you are on the beach it is more likely that the angle at which most shots would be taken to capture the setting sun has a beach behind it … which means space for people wearing bright colored bathing suits to stand-not great for photos.
There are times of the year where the sun sets almost into the water at Hanalei Bay, as well as most beaches north of there. Although Hanalei Bay is also a pretty crowded beach, it is better for sunset photos than Shipwrecks in our opinion because the angle at which we can take a picture of you in front of the setting sun is nearly unobstructed by where people can stand, so it’s just you with the ocean, mountains and sun setting behind you.
Ke’e is a very (year round) consistent beach for the sun setting directly all the way into the water. Because of this, lots of tourists go there each day all year to watch the sun set. The main negative point about Ke’e is that it’s a long drive away from Hanalei (about 30 min going over several one lane bridges) … but possibly for some people this may be a plus. This means it not only takes longer to get to, but some vendors may charge a travel fee to get out there. Once you are there it also means longer to get back to where you will have dinner, with everyone hungry and thirsty.
How to Get Sunset Colors in your Photos on Kauai
This is easy: get married between Lihue and Kilauea. Basically anywhere on the east side, southeast or north east sides, at any time of the year, will do (our favorite spots for this area are Nukoli’i or Lydgate.)
Untruth: Many people think they need to stand in front of the sunset going down into the water to get fantastic sunset photos. This is just not true. There are lots of great sunset shots on the east side of Kauai, where you can never actually see the sun go down into the water at anytime of the year. How is this possible? Because 180 degrees opposite of the sunset are some of the best colors! (Next time you are watching the sunset, turn around and look the other way and you’ll see what I’m talking about.)
The sun going into the water is undeniably beautiful, but it is a very specific shot. Once you have it you don’t need a whole photo shoot of the same thing. To many people a more interesting background for the majority of the photos are all the gorgeous colors 180 degrees away from the sunset (I personally agree given that here on Kauai some of the most secluded and best beach wedding locations are on the east side).
If you have any questions about any aspect of a Kauai sunset wedding, please contact us.
by Joel McDonald | Jan 30, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography in Hawaii

What are the best Kauai wedding beaches? Where is it best for you to have your Kauai wedding photography? Read our tips so you can make an informed choice.
So what are the best Kauai wedding beaches?
This is your wedding, and you should have what you want. Timory is happy to take your photos anywhere or any time of the day you want. However, there are more and less preferable places and times of the day to take any photos in terms of showing off Kauai’s amazing tropical colors and, of course, you! Timory also loves doing weddings at hotels or other places besides beaches, we are happy to offer recommendations for tropical gardens, hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, etc.
There are a few things to keep in mind when answering this question specifically for your wedding:
- Is your Kauai wedding location beach typically crowded or empty?
- What background do you want most for your photos?
- How does your choice of Kauai wedding beach affect the lighting?
- Where are you staying?
1. Crowded and Empty Beaches
Sometimes people say they don’t care if the beach they want to get married on (i.e. Shipwreck’s beach) are crowded and there are people in the back of their photos. (We especially here this from clients staying in Poipu where there are pretty much always people on every beach.) If this is truly the case, we are happy to take photos anywhere you want. However as most photographers agree, Timory strongly feels that photos are of a much higher quality if there are not (many) people showing in the background. This is why she so often recommends Lydgate Beach or other more private beaches/locations. Beaches that are nearly always filled with people and hard to get a clear shot at include Hanalei Bay and nearly all beaches in Poipu.
That having been said, all beaches are public and Timory demonstrates great dexterity in moving around to block absolutely anyone and any thing in the background she can.
2. Background
Another thing to keep in mind about the background is what do you prefer to see behind you? Beach? Tropical gardens? Tropical forest? Manicured hotel lawns/waterfalls? Mountains? Lava rocks and greenery next to ocean? Cliffs?
If you like mountains in particular (and beaches too) the north shore has a lot to offer. If you like lava rocks and greenery next to the ocean, Lydgate beach is perfect and private. If you like sandy cliffs, Shipwreck’s beach is a good choice. If you like tropical gardens or hotel properties then we have several to choose from on the island that are great, give us a ring and we can offer a better recommendation after we know a little more about your budget.
3. Lighting
Location will not determine the lighting as much as the timing. It is preferable to have softer lighting, later in the evening or very early in the morning. That way people can relax their eyes and they don’t look uncomfortable or as if they have closed eyes. It also helps people look less shiny from sweat. Sometimes this could be achieved more towards the middle of the day if it’s overcast or partially cloudy, but of course we won’t know the weather until very close to the photo shoot.
To learn more about choosing the timing of your Kauai wedding photos, see this article:
4. Proximity
People often want to have their wedding right outside their hotel or resort for obvious reasons of convenience. This could be a great idea if you are also eating/drinking within walking distance so that you can safely drink and return to your property without a taxi…but it depends on a number of other things about that specific location (see the link at the end of this article). We have a lot of experience with nearly every property on Kauai. Please feel free to ask us about your particular hotel/resort property, and we will give you our honest feedback about the pros and cons of the beaches and surrounding areas both in front of where you are staying as well as close by.
One thing to keep in mind about all beaches in the state of Hawaii, including Kauai is that they are mandated by state to have a beach permit. Not just anyone can get a permit, you must be registered with the DNLR and have a million dollar liability insurance. Timory and Aloha Ever After can get you a permit for any beach on Kauai. The beach permits allow an option A, and B (in case of rain) so there is flexibility to them, but they must be purchased ahead of time.
For further information, images and videos of the best Kauai wedding beaches, please read our article on specific locations:
Feel free to contact us with any questions: 888-939-3885.
by Joel McDonald | Jan 30, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography in Hawaii

Doing a Kauai familymoon? Kauai wedding photography with kids is an overwhelming concept for some! Learn some tricks for occupying children and bringing out the best in them.
A Kauai Familymoon
or a Kauai wedding photography with kids, is an overwhelming concept for some! If there are going to be kids at your wedding (whether they’re your children or not) you want to make sure they are happy, and not distracting you from the reason you’re there. One of the things that truly sets Timory apart from other photographers on Kauai is her great ability to work with kids, even tired ones who are cranky from being in a different time zone and missing naps! She is a natural multi-tasker and is also amazing at connecting with what interests them and tying it into taking photos so that they feel involved with making choices.
This includes taking candid or posed photos that represent not only them at your wedding day, but also who they are now, what phases they are going through and things that will make you laugh later when they have passed through that phase and your wedding day is over.
Structure the Wedding Photos Around the Kids
Timory is a mother of two adorable boys (born in 2008 and 2011). She knows from invaluable experience that the best way to get a series of priceless photos is to take photos around what the children need. With some kids this just means talking to them in a certain way. With other kids this means reading their moods and giving them breaks, before a meltdown occurs that could end their happy participation in more photos. She has a great intuition of when to push forward and when pull back with children.
Kids that feel rested (so obviously try to get them sleep), interested and have a feeling of shared power/purpose are easier to photograph (and manage)! With particularly challenging and tired kids she has a bag full of toys and tricks. Timory is always happy to offer (with the parents’ approval) a positive consequence to help bring out a truly happy and cooperative smile! She can also take shots of other guests while giving the child some space to play, or take candid as seen in the photo below … some of the best shots are what’s happening in between the posed smiley shots!

A mother spends some time with her child on a Kauai familymoon before the next round of photos.
The #1 Thing to Consider on a Kauai Familymoon
If you are picking out when to have your photos done with children, the #1 thing to consider is: when will the children in your group be most likely to be happiest? If the answer to that question in mid-late morning, you are not alone. Although in general we do not recommend midday photo shoots, a photo shoot with a happy, full bellied, well rested child is more important than most other factors. However, it is preferable where possible to change around the child’s sleep schedule for the day and have the wedding in a cooler part of the afternoon/evening wherever possible.
Timory or Caitlin are happy to have a chat with you ahead of time and to help you pick out the best time for your particular circumstance as well as picking out a beach location with plenty of shade and without anything too likely to distract your kids. Lydgate Beach is a great option for all of those reasons.
Click here to see some of our family photos with kids.
If you have any questions about how to best do your Kauai Familymoon, feel free to contact us at 888-939-3885.
by Joel McDonald | Jan 30, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography in Hawaii

Your Kauai wedding photos are going to look best when the light to not too strong or bright, usually sunset.
What is the best time of day to get your Kauai wedding photos?
A lot of people ask us when the best time of the day is to have a wedding – in terms of comfort and especially in terms of having wedding photos done on Kauai beaches. We are happy to take your Kauai wedding photos any time of the day, anywhere you want. However, there are better and worse places and time to take photos in terms of showing off the vivid tropical colors and, of course, you!
The following tips are taking adult schedules into consideration (not kids):
- We recommend booking your wedding at least 2 days after you arrive so you have enough time to get your marriage license and adjust to the time change and ground out a bit … but as early in your trip as possible. There is a reasonable chance that someone in your party may get burned while you are here, and you will look a lot better if you’re not as red as a lobster (so remember to warn people about this issue)!
- Most people are looking for sunset colors and overall good light in their Kauai wedding photos, so a good rule of thumb is to start your wedding about 90 minutes before sunset, assuming you are doing 60-90 minutes of photos. If you are doing 2 hours or more of photos, or getting ready photos, you may want to start earlier, please ask us and we can advise you.
- Try to avoid booking a wedding in the middle of the day when the sun is high. Not only will it be uncomfortably hot and you will get sweaty and shiny, but also you may look anxious or uncomfortable rather than happy and relaxed. If the middle of the day is the only time you have, then we will always find shade and make it work … but it’s best to choose a cooler and less bright time in the evening.
- Normally people are here visiting and want to optimize each precious day they are here, so often we get asked about doing it in the early morning so they can go about their day sightseeing. This is also a possibility, but not as great of an idea as sunset in our opinion, because the sun comes up so quickly. Depending on which side of the island you are on, within minutes of it rising its angle can shine so strongly into one’s eyes that it can cause people to squint. Also, most people need more time to get ready than would be possible to do to be ready before the sun is intense..and you don’t want to get up before dawn on your wedding day if you can avoid it.
- Many people want their photos with the sun going into down behind them on their wedding day. This is a beautiful shot, and we are happy to accommodate that romantic setting. However, please bear in mind that throughout the year the sun moves around Kauai, so the sunset may be visible from north or south Kauai Beach locations on a specific beach during the winter, but not in the summer or vice versa. Check with us for specific details ,but in general the sun is visible year round at Ke’e beach (north shore, end of the road) and the west side. If you are seriously considering a sunset wedding with the sun visible going down behind you, please read more advice here:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 888-939-3885.
by Joel McDonald | Jan 30, 2015 | Kauai Wedding Photography, Wedding Photography in Hawaii

Why Timory McDonald Photography? We are flexible, attentive, passionate about photography, and truly value getting an exquisite shot of you to last a lifetime.
Welcome to Timory McDonald Photography.
I would love to do your wedding photos. In all honesty, to be considered as being a part of your wedding team, to be one of the people that helps make your wedding dreams a series of visual images a reality, would truly be an honor.
My Wedding Photography is a Snapshot of Unrealized Potential
Timory McDonald photography is not just pictures of a day, a moment or a glance; it’s a snapshot of unrealized potential. It’s the creation of a story out of a collection of images that not only show the first moments of your marriage, but also the very first moments of the rest of your lives together.
I’m here to document your wedding day the way you want it. I can be up close, doing whatever it takes to reveal the wonder of Who You Are as a couple, I can be unobtrusive and stand back from afar, or I can be both – whichever way you prefer.
My photography is not only taking and editing photos, but also capturing your essence as individuals and together as a couple.
Why Timory McDonald Photography?
I am very patient and truly value getting an exquisite shot of you and your loved ones that you can treasure for decades. I go way above and beyond to do what it takes to make sure that happens. I am very generous with my time, and especially the number of images I give out. You can expect to have images full of color, love and an unfolding story to cherish for years if you should happen to choose me as your photographer!
We are also a very flexible company. We’ll do everything we can to make sure your photos are what you want, even if it means moving or rescheduling a photo shoot due to inclement weather. (Luckily we have enough tricks up our sleeve that this has rarely happened.)
If you happen to have kids in your group, you’re really in luck, because it would be hard to find someone who will be more patient and skilled at working with your kids to get an amazing shot, even out of a tired and cranky child who is jet lagged and missed their nap!
Basic Information
We have put together the basic information we find people want to know in order to take advantage of the gorgeous environment we have here on Kauai. These are the sorts of questions people ask us:
- What can I do to get the best wedding photos on Kauai?
- When is the best time of day to do them?
- Where are the best places to do an outdoor photo shoot?
- How long do I need?
- What if we have kids?
- How do you do site/location changes?
- What should I expect for ready and wreck the dress photos?
- What should I have my guest’s do/not do?
- What is the best way to wear my hair/makeup(for women)?
If you want to know the answer to any of these typical questions or more, then make sure to contact us to opt in to our 6-email series, so that you can receive our free information to answer basic questions that many people have. We only send you free information to help make your wedding better and to make an informed choice about your options here on Kauai. We respect your privacy and would never share your email address.
Timory would love to help you capture your magic as a family in paradise. Please let us know how we can help! For any questions please call 888-939-3885.